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Now Proof?in an instant, Doctor, Philip Morris are Less Irritating Just make this simple test
Now Proof?in an instant, Doctor, Philip Morris are Less Irritating Just make this simple test
20,679 Physicians say ‘Luckies’ are less irritating. Toasting removes dangerous irritants that cause throat irritation and coughing
20,679 Physicians say 'Luckies' are less irritating. Toasting removes dangerous irritants that cause throat irritation and coughing
This Suggestion May be of Value for Your Throat Patients:
This Suggestion May be of Value for Your Throat Patients:
Doctor, Your Own Nose Proves in Seconds Philip Morris are Less Irritating!
Doctor, Your Own Nose Proves in Seconds Philip Morris are Less Irritating!
Medical authorities recognize Philip Morris. Call for Philip Morris
Medical authorities recognize Philip Morris. Call for Philip Morris
Medical authorities know, this one is superior. Call for Philip Morris
Medical authorities know, this one is superior. Call for Philip Morris
Doctors’ report on Philip Morris. Call for Philip Morris
Doctors' report on Philip Morris. Call for Philip Morris